general Incorporated Foundation
Aschoff and Honma Memorial Foundation
Last updated 2024/12/02
Sapporo Symposium
on Biological Rhythm in 2016
Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm and Awarding of Aschoff & Honma Prize for Biological Rhythm Research in 2016 are held on November 9-10, 2016 in Sapporo. We welcome you to Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm, Awarding Ceremony, Celebration Concert and Celebration Party. We have a poster session on November 10. Anybody who wants to participate in the symposium and the awarding ceremony should make a registration by October 15 through e-mail directed to the Aschoff and Honma Memorial Foundation. And anybody who wants to present a poster should send an abstract by September 30. Registration fee is 3,000 Yen. The registration and abstract forms are available from this Website.
Tentative Program
Awarding of Aschoff and Honma Prize in 2016
November 9 Keio Plaza Hotel Sapporo
12:00 Desk Opening
13:00 Awarding Ceremony
Selection Review by Dr. Takao Kondo
Awarding by Dr. Ken-ichi Honma
13:15 Awarding Lecture (Chaired by Dr. Takao Kondo)
Dr. Johanna Meijer (Leiden University)
14:15 Memorial Symposium I (Chaired by Dr. Carl Johnson)
Dr. Daisuke Ono (Nagoya University)
Dr. Tomoko Yoshikawa (Kindai University)
Dr. Wataru Nakamura (Osaka University)
16:00 Memorial Lectures (Chaired by Sato Honma)
Dr. Achim Kramer (Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin)
Dr. Serge Daan (Groningen University) TBD
Dr. Carl Johnson (Vanderbilt University) TBD
18:00 Memorial Concert
18:30-20:30 Cerebration Party
Sapporo Symposium on Biological Rhythm in 2016
November 10 Hokkaido University Graduate School of Medicine,
Special Conference Room
8:00 Desk open ・ Poster display
8:30-10:45 Symposium I : Over the Edge: Expanding physiological implications of the circadian clock (Chaired by Kazuhiro Yagita, Ryosuke Enoki)
Dr. Kazuhiro Yagita (Kyoto Prefectual university)
Dr. Shuji Akiyama (Institute for Molecular Science)
Dr. Hiromi Shimojo (Kyoto University)
Dr. John O’Neill (Medical Research Council)
11:00-12:00 Plenary Lecture (Chaired by Tomoko Yoshikawa)
Dr. Mike Menaker (University of Verginia)
12:00-13:30 Lunchon Blitz (Large Conference Room)
Dr. Toshiyuki Hamada, Dr. Shinya Nishide, Dr. Yoshihiro Hirata, Dr. Yoshiaki Oda,
Dr. Aya Honma
13:30-15:45 Symposium II ; Extra-SCN Multi-oscillator System in Mammal
(Chaired by Wataru Nakamura, Daisuke Ono)
Dr. Michihiro Mieda (Kanazawa University)
Dr. Megumi Hatori (Keio University)
Dr. Yujiro Yamanaka (Hokkaido University)
Dr. Shin Yamazaki (University of Texas)
16:00-18:15 Symposium III : Physiological Functions as Integrated Outputs of Circadian Clock
(Chaired by Satoru Masubuchi, Yujiro Yamanaka)
Dr. Satoru Masubuchi (Aichi Medical University)
Dr, Satoru Koyanagi (Kyushu University)
Dr. Ryosuke Enoki (Hokkaido University)
Dr. Zhi-Li Huang (Fudan University)
18:30 Closing remarks by Dr. Ken-ichi Honma
締切: 参加登録10月15日まで ポスターセッションの抄録9月30日まで
参加費(抄録代): 3,000円 ※当日会場の受付で申し受けます。