general Incorporated Foundation
Aschoff and Honma Memorial Foundation
Last updated 2024/12/02
Asia Forum on Chronobiology 2024
August 11・12, 2024
Hokkaido University Conference Hall

We appreciate your participation in AFC.

The 7th Asian Forum on Chronobiology
(AFC) in 2024
1. Date: August 11-12, 2024
Venue: Hokkaido University Conference Hall
Chuoh-Ku, N 8, W 5, Sapporo, Tel. 011-706-2042
2. Program
3. Registration
Registration fee 10,000 JPY (Student 6,000 JPY)
(Inc. Abstract book, Get-together Photo, Lunch Box 2×, Beverage)
Deadline: July 31
※August 1 – August 12 at the conference desk
Payment: on the registration desk at the symposium (August 11-12, 2024) We accept cash only.
※Poster presentation deadline has passed.
Application: through internet for only person registered to either SSBR or AFC
Poster Size: W80cm x H140cm or less,
Display for 3 days (Aug 10-12)
Lunch box and beverage included.
Deadline : May 31
5. Oral presentation
※Applications for oral presentations have closed. Please wait for the announcement.
Speakers in the symposiums lacking the 4th speaker (designated TBD) are invited from the poster authors. Authors who want to participate select one symposium which is most relevant to your presentation. Please fill out the registration form.
※ Regarding oral presentations, I will contact the relevant applicants directly.
The names of the symposists will be listed in the program that will be uploaded to the homepage.
6. Banquet
Date: August 11 (Sun)
Location: TBD
Ticket (8,000 JPY) available until 12:00 on Aug 11.
The participant who needs documents for VISA application (ex. invitation letter, certification) Please fill out the registration form.
8. Office
Aschoff and Honma Memorial Foundation
Chuoh-Ku, S 15, W15, 064-0915 Sapporo, Japan