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Dr. Ken-ichi Honma Dr.Carl Johnson (Prize Winner in 2014) Dr. Takao Kondo(Chairperson of Selection Committee)

Dr.Carl Johnson

Dr.Carl Johnson

Prize Winner in 2014











Aschoff and Honma Prize for Biological Rhythm Research in 2014 was given to Dr. Carl Johnson in USA, a Professor of Biological Science in Vanderbilt University. Dr. Johnson was born in February 18 in 1954. He received his Ph.D thesis at Stanford University under supervision of Professor Colin Pittendrigh, and extended his scientific carrier as a post-doctor fellow in Harvard University under supervision of Professor Woodland Hastings. He has worked on a variety organisms in a circadian context from cyanobacteria to humans. Noteworthy is his finding on the importance of circadian resonance in cyanobacteria for fitness and natural selection. He also contributed to development of novel experimental tools such as bioluminescence reports which are now a day indispensable for molecular and cellular researches in circadian clock. He has a man of enthusiasm paying substantial energy for education of his successors. 

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